Principal Investigator
Research Assistant
Ph.D. Student
Master Student
Research Assistant
- Yi-Hui Lin (林怡慧)
- Chieh Shih (石捷)
- Jhao-Liang Jheng (鄭兆良) PhD Student
- Shan-Han Huang (黃聖翰)
- Peir-In Liang (連培因) Master Student
- Shan-Hu Hsu (許山湖)
- Yi-Hsuan Kuo (郭伊玹)
- Wan-Lin Hsu (徐宛琳)
- Ciou-Rong Chen (陳秋榮)
- Hsin-Fang Wu (吳昕芳)
- Yu-Chuan Wang (王煜汌)
- Che-Yu Chou (周哲宇)
- Wei-Hsiang Hsu (許崴翔)
- Chien-Lun Wang (王千綸)
- Jia-Yi Shih (石家宜)
- Hui-Lun Lin (林暉倫)

Run-Hsin Lin (林閏新)
Research Assistant
Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research,
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
- 2019/09 - 2021/07, M.S., Graduate Institute of Data Science, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2014/09 - 2018/06, B.S., Department of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Scientific Publications
- A Novel Multitask Learning Algorithm for Tasks with Distinct Chemical Space: Zebrafish Toxicity Prediction as an Example, Journal of Cheminformatics, 16(1), 91. (2024)
- A Machine Learning Classifier for Predicting Stable MCI Patients Using Gene Biomarkers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4839. (2022)
Conference Presentations
- Innovative Virtual Zebrafish Platform: Integrating QSAR and In Silico Toxicogenomics for Drug Discovery and Safety, 24th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (24th EuroQSAR), Barcelona, Spain. Sep 22-26 (Poster). (2024)
- A Novel Multitask Learning Framework for Tasks with Distinct Chemical Space: Zebrafish Toxicology Prediction as an Example, 20th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences (QSAR2023), Copenhagen, Denmark. Jun 5-9 (Oral). (2023)
- Identification of Biomarkers for Predicting the Conversion of Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer‘s Disease Patients Using Machine Learning Algorithm, 2021 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 10-May 14 (Poster). (2021)
Other Publications
- Identification of Biomarkers for Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Master's thesis, Graduate Institute of Data Science, Taipei Medical University. (2021)
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